Wednesday, August 31, 2011

5 Things About Breast Cancer You Should Take to Heart | Care2 ...

Living with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
(#20 in a series)

As a triple-negative breast cancer survivor, there?s a lot I could tell you about the process. In fact, this is my 20th blog post on the topic. But the most important things I want you to take away from this series are really quite simple. I hope you take them to heart.

1. Touch yourself. Be familiar with your breasts. Get to know them like the back of your hand. Like the majority of breast cancer patients I?ve met or spoken to in this past year, I?m the one who discovered my breast lump.

2. Take breast lumps seriously. If you find a lump in your breast, don?t give in to the temptation to dismiss it. Breast cancer can happen to you. Even if you never smoked. Even if you eat right. Even if you think you?re making all the right choices. Even if there?s never been a case of cancer in your family. Even if ?

3. Call the doctor. Don?t waste precious time. Sure, you?re busy, but that?s a terrible reason to die. Ignorance is not bliss. If it turns out to be a false alarm, then whew! Now treat yourself to something special for your troubles. If it turns out to be cancer, early treatment may greatly increase your chances of long-term survival.

4. Cancer treatment is a bitch. So is premature death. Remember what?s at stake for you and your loved ones. You?re tougher than you think. Be an active patient. Learn all you can, question doctors, and make informed decisions based on fact, not fear.

5. Never stop living. No matter how bad you feel. No matter if you?re bald as a newborn baby and people look at you funny or if food has lost its allure or if you?ve lost weight and your clothes hang funny or if you?re missing a breast or two and your prosthesis is the wrong size or whatever else is out of whack. You have no idea how long you?ll be here ? just like every other human being on the planet, whether they realize it or not. As long as you?re alive ? live.

Living with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Series
#1 The Lump in my Breast: Meeting the Enemy
#2 Most Breast Lumps are Non-Cancerous: Would mine be?
#3 The Mammogram, the Ultrasound, and ?the Look?
#4 The Biopsy and Breast Cancer Confirmation
#5 A New Twist: It?s Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
#6 Before the Mastectomy: Planning for the Future
#7 Mastectomy Day: What it?s like to lose a breast
#8 After the Mastectomy: Unveiling and Staging
#9 10 Odd Things to Say to Someone with Breast Cancer
#10 Cancer Battle Plan Phase 2: Chemotherapy
#11 5 Things I Love About my Very Expensive Health Insurance
#12 10 Simple Gestures of Kindness with Healing Power
#13 Half a Year on Chemotherapy and Taking Nothing for Granted
#14 Breast Cancer Treatment: Weighing Reward and Risk
#15 The Radiation Decision, The Long Road, The Badge of Honor
#16 The Healing Power of Nurses
#17 Grieving Son Recounts Mom?s Battle with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
#18 Searching for ?Normal? After Cancer
#19 ?Did You Beat Cancer?? they want to know

Access all posts in the Living with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Series

Follow on Twitter @AnnPietrangelo



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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Obama: 7 proposed regulations would each top $1B (AP)

WASHINGTON ? President Barack Obama says his administration is considering seven new government regulations that would cost the economy more than $1 billion each a year, a tally Republicans will pounce on to argue that Congress needs the power to approve costly government rules.

In a letter to House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, Obama lists four proposed Environmental Protection Agency rules and three Transportation Department rules estimated to cost in excess of $1 billion. One of the proposed EPA rules ? an update to the health-based standard for smog ? is estimated to cost the economy between $19 billion and $90 billion.

The letter, dated Tuesday, comes as the Republican-controlled House prepares to consider legislation that would require congressional approval for any new regulations that would impose a significant cost on industries.

The four environmental regulations, which target air pollution and coal residue primarily from coal-fired power plants, already have been attacked by House Republicans, who have said they would kill jobs and harm the economy.

A federal court ordered the Obama administration to propose two of the four environmental rules.

And while the regulations would be expensive to comply with, EPA officials say they will save billions of dollars in avoided health care costs each year by reducing asthma and other illnesses, such as cancer. In some cases, the cost savings are greater than the upfront expense, according to EPA figures.

Obama's letter was in response to a Boehner request last week for more details from the president on the proposed costs of the most expensive regulations under consideration by his administration. Obama's administration has identified 219 proposed regulations this year with a cost to the economy of more than $100 million each.

Boehner, in a statement, said the administration should now release detailed cost estimates for all those proposed regulations.

"At a time like this, with our economy struggling to create jobs, it's misguided for the federal government to be imposing so many new rules with such enormous costs, even when some of those rules may be well-intentioned," he said.

Obama said a number of regulations being contemplated are in such preliminary stages of review that they have no reliable cost estimates.

The president said the seven proposals he did identify are not final and that his administration will "give careful consideration" to cost-savings. He said his administration already has made changes that have saved more than $10 billion in regulatory costs over the next five years, and said new regulations must meet cost-saving requirements that he ordered earlier this year.

He also defended his regulatory record, saying the cost of final rules adopted in 2007 and 2008, during the administration of President George W. Bush, were higher than in the first two years of his administration.

"In 2009 and 2010, the benefits of such rules ? including not only monetary savings but also lives saved and illnesses prevented ? exceeded the costs by tens of billions of dollars," Obama wrote.


Associated Press writer Dina Cappiello contributed to this report.


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To Buy A Car Or To Lease | Self Improvement Articles and Tips

If you are in the market for a new car, you have a few options, you can buy or you can lease. There are pros and cons to each option, it?s up to you to carefully weigh the pros and cons for each option and decide if it?s better for you to buy a car or to lease a car.

The difference between buying and leasing is that when you buy a car you pay the whole price of the car and when you are done paying it off, usually in a time frame between two to five years, you own it.

With a lease you are only paying for the time you use the car and at the end of the lease you will turn the car back in, you don?t actually own it. The actual resale amount of the car, what it is projected to be worth and can be sold for at the end of the lease, will be the major factor to what you pay for the car.

For example, if you lease a car that is valued at $30,000 and you lease it for 3 years, the dealer will determine how much it can be sold for at the end of the lease period.

So if that $30,000 car can be sold used after the lease period for $20,000? than basically you would only have to pay $10,000 for the use of that car during the time you are leasing it. That amount will be divided into monthly payments.

That is just one of the main differences that needs to be considered when choosing if you want to To buy a car or to lease.

So, you can probably get a nicer car for the same monthly payment if you lease rather than buy.

As I?m sure you have already figured out there are some obvious drawbacks to leasing:

1. First you don?t own the car after the lease period. You will have to buy or lease another car.

2. There are strict mileage limits when you lease and if you go over those you will have to pay an additional fee. Usually you are allowed around 15,000 miles each year. Going over will cost you big so make sure you know what the mileage limits are as well as whether or not you can stay within those limits.

3. You won?t be charged for ?normal? wear and tear but you will be charged extra for any damage. Make sure you are aware of what constitutes normal and what is considered damage.

4. Check to make sure but in most cases you will still be responsible for keeping insurance on your car even though it is a lease. Since a lease often makes it possible to get more car for the money than buying would, it may also mean higher insurance payments on that more expensive car. Take that into consideration.

It is really up to you whether to buy a car or to lease a car. If you don?t put a lot of miles on your car, you like to trade up every few years, you want a nicer car than you could afford to actually buy and you don?t care if you don?t actually own the car, leasing may be for you. If not, stick with purchasing a car.

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Nigeria leader, UN vow to work on after HQ bombing (AP)

ABUJA, Nigeria ? Nigeria will bring terrorism "under control" and confront the radical Muslim sect that claimed responsibility for a car bombing at the country's United Nations headquarters that killed at least 19 people, its president vowed Saturday amid the wreckage.

President Goodluck Jonathan stepped through shattered glass and past dried pools of blood at the damaged building as U.N. employees salvaged printers, computers and all they could carry to keep the mission running. The U.N.'s top official in Nigeria promised humanitarian aid would continue to flow through the world body to Africa's most populous nation, even though the Boko Haram sect ? which claimed responsibility for the attack ? views it as a target.

"I think it gives us more strength to continue helping the population," said Agathe Lawson, the U.N.'s acting resident coordinator in Nigeria.

Jonathan walked by the battered exit gate the suicide bomber rammed through to reach the massive U.N. building's glass reception hall Friday morning. There, the bomber detonated explosives powerful enough to bring down parts of the concrete structure and blow out glass windows from other buildings in the quiet neighborhood filled with diplomatic posts.

A bevy of bodyguards, police, soldiers and members of the country's secret police surrounded Jonathan on his tour. The soft-spoken president promised journalists gathered there that the nation would stand up to terrorism, though Boko Haram continues to carry out bombings and assassinations seemingly at will.

"Terrorist attacks on any individual or part of the world is a terrorist attack on the rest of the world," Jonathan said. "Terrorists don't care about who is anywhere."

Jonathan did not say who was responsible for the attack, only addressing Boko Haram in response to a reporter's question.

"Boko Haram is a local group linked up with terrorist activities," the president said. "As a government, we are working on this and we will bring it under control."

The president did not elaborate on that comment, as his aides hustled him off into a convoy of armored Mercedes Benz sedans, police trucks and motorcycles.

The death toll for the attack rose to 19 on Saturday, said Yushau Shuaib, a spokesman for Nigeria's National Emergency Management Agency. At least 15 of the dead were U.N. personnel, U.N. deputy spokesman Farhan Haq said Friday night from New York. However, a U.N. statement sent Saturday from the Nigeria office said nine U.N. staffers were confirmed dead and dozens were hospitalized.

The National Hospital in Abuja alone treated 75 injured people from the bomb blast Friday, said Obasi Ekumankama, the hospital's director of clinical services.

The U.N. had yet to complete a head count of its staff at the building, which houses about 400 workers, Lawson said.

A U.N. team that includes Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro and security chief Gregory Starr was expected to arrive in Nigeria either Saturday or Sunday. But other help is already being given by the international community: A U.S. embassy car carrying what local authorities described as FBI agents arrived at the bomb site a short time after Jonathan left.

Deb MacLean, a spokeswoman for the U.S. embassy in Abuja, said FBI agents "were on the ground" to assist after the bombing. She declined to elaborate.

Security appeared tighter than normal in Abuja, about 550 miles (880 kilometers) northeast of the country's megacity of Lagos. Soldiers wearing flak jackets blocked the main highway heading into the city from Abuja's international airport Saturday morning, checking passing vehicles.

Friday's bombing represented the first suicide attack targeting foreigners by Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is sacrilege" in the local Hausa language. The group, which has reported links to al-Qaida, wants to implement a strict version of Shariah law in the nation and is vehemently opposed to Western education and culture. It claimed responsibility for a similar car bombing at the country's federal police headquarters in Abuja in June that killed at least two people.

Earlier this month, the commander for U.S. military operations in Africa told The Associated Press that Boko Haram may be trying to coordinate attacks with two al-Qaida-linked groups ? al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, which operates in northwest Africa, and al-Shabab in Somalia.

A Nairobi-based diplomat told the AP on Saturday that at least 19 Nigerians had arrived late in 2010 and stayed with Somali Islamist militia al-Shabab in the house of a former Somali general in the rebel-held part of Mogadishu until April. Several of them were believed to be members of Boko Haram, the diplomat said.

The diplomat spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

On Saturday, U.N. employees milled around the outside of the damaged headquarters, some wiping away tears. One woman spoke of a relative she believed was dead and buried amid the rubble.

Lawson, the U.N.'s acting resident coordinator, said workers already set up another office to continue their work, though much more space was needed to carry out the body's work. Nigeria, a country of 150 million people largely split between a Christian south and Muslim north, remains desperately poor after decades of oil wealth being squandered by its political elite.

The U.N. will continue to provide food and health care to the nation's teeming poor despite the bombing, Lawson said.

Now, however, the international body needs assistance as well.

"We prepared," Lawson said, facing the broken building's giant "U.N. Cares" banner. "Security was in place, but it is never enough."


Associated Press writer Katharine Houreld in Nairobi, Kenya contributed to this report.


Jon Gambrell can be reached at


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Pitbull Brings Miami's Most Beautiful To The VMAs

Miami MC says the dancers in his performance on Sunday night will 'create Pandora's box.'
By Rob Markman, with reporting by Jim Cantiello

Pitbull rehearses for his 2011 VMA performance
Photo: John Shearer/ WireImage

Pitbull gets pretty demanding on his hit "Give Me Everything,", but for his 2011 VMA performance, Mr. 305 looks to turn the tables and offer fans a taste of Miami.

"I did get the most beautiful women from Miami to come over and create Pandora's box," Pit told MTV News. "So if you're bringing your wife, your girlfriend, boyfriend to the show, you might lose 'em."

MTV News was present at Mr. Worldwide's VMA rehearsal on Thursday at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles, and the rapper comes through as promised. Pit and collaborators Ne-Yo and Nayer ran through their number, flanked by approximately 60 curvaceous female dancers.

"We have some backup dancers: one or two or 60," Ne-Yo teased. "And two of the best-dressed men in the business. What more can you ask for?"

Lindsay Lohan's lawsuit hasn't dampened Pit's party plans. The troubled actresses filed suit against the Cuban pop sensation, claiming that his lyrics on "Give Me Everything" were defamatory. But during the run-through, Mr. 305 didn't bite his tongue as he freely rapped the line in question without censoring himself. "I got it locked like Lindsay Lohan," Pit spit.

On Thursday, Pit addressed the suit in a video on his Planet Pit website, inviting La Lohan to join him at the VMAs. "We'll be performing ['Give Me Everything"] at the VMAs and, as a matter of fact, I'd like to send out an invitation to Lindsay Lohan," Pitbull said. "Hopefully she can come with me to the VMAs, and we can figure this out." According to TMZ, however, the actress has declined.

Still, Pit's offer stands. "I said it, I meant it, and if she takes it, great. If she doesn't, cool. But she will have her tickets at will call," he told MTV News.

In the meantime, the show goes on, and if the bilingual hit-maker's practice run is any indication, Pit plans to leave everything he's got on the stage, proving that it's better to give than receive. Que rico!

The 28th annual MTV Video Music Awards will air live Sunday, August 28, from the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles at 9 p.m. ET/PT, following the Selena Gomez-hosted pre-show at 8. See the list of nominees, revisit last year's highlights and vote for Best New Artist by visiting

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bonaventure Realty Group Names New Director of Property Management ...

ARLINGTON, Va., Aug. 25, 2011 /PRNewswire/ ? When it comes to managing assets, Bonaventure is committed to providing a team that lives up to the highest standards. As such, the company is pleased to announce its newest member, Christina Bolter, as Director of Property Management. ?

Christina is the perfect candidate in making Bonaventure clients look good. With over 15 years of successful multi-family property operation and business development experience, she will lead the coordination of resources to support the property supervision team and develop effective operational strategies for the Mid-Atlantic. Christina's background in the management of 3rd party assets is a key component of Bonaventure's aggressive growth strategy and long-term commitment to the region. The success of her team will be measured through surpassing partners' operational and financial goals.

Known as a leader in strategy, marketing and property management, Christina previously worked for Greystar, Riverstone Residential, Kettler and Trammell Crow Residential where she developed a vast knowledge of the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast and Mid-West markets. She is the kind of partner that companies want in their corner. ?

Bonaventure Realty Group, LLC is an all-inclusive provider of multi-family real estate solutions, seeking to develop, invest in, acquire and manage multi-family properties with well devised growth potential. Whether managing its own properties or that of its partners, the company has a unique ability to see what a community can become, focusing on cultivating staff that satisfy residents' needs. These individuals distinguish Bonaventure from competitors, resulting in efficiently managed and profitable properties. ?By tying incentives and compensation with partners' statistics and goals, Bonaventure's strategy strives for an optimum bottom line.

Bonaventure is an indispensible business asset: complementing resources already in place by bringing financial wisdom, street smarts and a contagious enthusiasm to the partnership. Businesses that align with Bonaventure, won't simply feel empowered, they'll feel empartnered.

For more information about Bonaventure Realty Group, LLC, please contact 703-567-4590, or visit

SOURCE Bonaventure Realty Group


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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fossil's Meta Watch passes the FCC, your magic wristwatch fantasies are about to come true

Fossil's Meta Watch has been beset with delays and defective parts but finally there's good news -- the watches have passed the FCC. The two models (analog and digital) can sync with your Android smartphone or tablet via a Texas Instruments CC2560 Bluetooth controller and are being sold as a "development platform" until enough apps are built to take advantage of the technology. T.I.'s website lists the watches as being available since August 22nd, although we're not entirely sure what to make of that -- it still looks like a pre-order situation to us. In any case, the devices should hopefully start reaching app developers pretty soon. Hey, how about using the internal gyroscopes to bring some genuine wrist-flapping action to Angry Birds?

Fossil's Meta Watch passes the FCC, your magic wristwatch fantasies are about to come true originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 17:03:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

Permalink   |  sourceFCC (Digital WDS 112), FCC (Analog WDS 111)  | Email this | Comments


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Friday, August 26, 2011

Online Games, the New Thing in Gaming | Getting Fat

More than the couple decades, weve been bumped with online games ads, emails and hyperlinks. What took place with everybody, and why are folks thrilled with on the web gaming?

Several types of online games are obtainable for public I will try below to describe a handful of of them. Online games are of 2 varieties: multiplayer online games, and solitary player online games. The first sort is played on world wide web servers, allowing people to interact with each other, and, on the other hand, one participant online games are played on your own, on games archives.

Multiplayer online games are:

  • MMORPG: identified as MMORPGs also, comes from massively multiplayer on-line role-taking part in video games. Is one of the most frequent type of multiplayer online games.
  • MMOFPS: comes from massively multiplayer on-line first particular person shooter.
  • MMORTS : arrives from massively multiplayer on-line real-time technique.
  • MMOTG: arrives from massively multiplayer on the web tycoon game titles.
  • MMOSG: arrives from massively multiplayer online strategy games.
  • MMMOG: arrives from massively multiplayer cell online games.
  • There are of training course other varieties of multiplayer online games that are derived from the over ones.

    The other group of online games are the solitary participant ones. I mentioned that they can be played on online arcades. A number of varieties of solitary player online games exist, but of the most widespread kind is the flash arcade.

    On this sort of a site you need to have only your browser to be ready to play the game titles and of class, Macromedia Flash Participant installed. Those games are categorized relying on sort on action, arcade, sports activities, shooting, puzzle and casino. Each player is awarded with points, relying on range of games played. Top players are exhibited on the principal page. A nice supply for free of charge online games is, a flash game titles arcade with virtually 1500 games.

    Online Games

    This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged online games. Bookmark the permalink. Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.


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    Thursday, August 25, 2011

    Team Building Games You Will Not Want To Stop Playing | Business ...

    Even though team building in itself is not a boring topic, team building games are much more fun than even the shortest lecture on the subject. Participants get excited and involved, working together to achieve a certain goal. the best activities seem like play rather than learning. That is the sneaky part of them.the team is bonding, improving communication, and collaborating without even knowing it.

    Click link below to read full and original article

    Team Building Games You Will Not Want To Stop Playing

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    Tips for smallmouth bass fishing in Ontario Canada

    Find more about Tips for smallmouth bass fishing in Ontario Canada in this article:

    Smallmouth bass can be found in Ontario?s Excellent Waters along with the glacial fish ponds from the Canadian Safeguard as well as in numerous estuaries and rivers, channels, along with ponds on this stunning Canada state.

    Largemouth bass are generally contained in warmer body associated with h2o using shallow deal with, usually consists of dropped timber and unwanted weeds or even stone outcrops. Some of the fish ponds along with blended an environment make largemouth place intersecting and co-interacting using this type of involving smallmouth, setting up a variety of fishing choices.


    Throughout Ontario, smallmouth bass fishing success is generally improved in many wide open normal water, where one can utilize moderate in order to light-action 6 in order to 10 lb . check traces along with typically a new six feet re-writing rod. Your fly fisherman will find smallmouth bass attempting to strike top-water stovetop popcorn poppers or even minnow-formed frills inside a short water setting.


    Through the Canada summer season, heavy under the sea points, immersed island destinations, bumpy shoals and pot bed mattress sides will be the leading places for you to pull at the these types of nimble and breathtaking preventing varieties of bass.


    New york smallmouth bass fishing is kind of distinctive when in comparability along with other bass fishing configurations. Inside durable North Ontario fish ponds and estuaries and rivers the location where the finest medal smallmouth bass fishing might be knowledgeable, smallmouths like the unsteady obvious ponds along with little plant existence and also assemble within beaches stones and also items. Including the limit the fishing towards coastline as a couple of the prize draws can be purchased within the more deeply water.


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    Smallmouth bass extracted his or her subject within the anotomical undeniable fact that the spine conclude in the reduced chin doesn?t expand after dark eye, since the decrease part of the mouth from the largemouth can. There is fashionable minimal level linking the actual dorsal fins towards the system that will resembles many darkish damaged cafes.


    The actual smallmouth bass typically grows between your age groups associated with around two and Four years and often features a life span more than Ten years. About the gentle collection, your New york smallmouth bass is really a ferocious competitor as well as lb . for single pound among the best struggles within Canadian sportfishing. Very first time that bass fishermen will almost always be surprised with the remarkable and frequent gets combined while using the effective power to plunge speedily for you to great depths. That is certainly exactly how bass fishing becomes a routine as well as coercion that?s hard to quit and exactly why bass fisherman move to be able to New york with regard to go back visits. Right after preventing one of these simple determined creatures the conventional anglers is definitely astonished to get the average size for any smallmouth runs in between just five leading to 20 ins. The actual Canadian report for your greatest smallmouth bass trapped within Ontario is over five pounds.


    In terms of the harder types of lures to work with, moving spinnerbaits or perhaps locating shallow-running crankbaits throughout the sub-merged marijuana areas work effectively. Both varieties of bass seen in throughout much deeper water are drawn to going crankbaits. Largemouth tecniques employed in areas will also be proficient at New york. Strategies change from switch-and-pitch designs found in the actual short marijuana beds, docks, and stumps, towards thrilling top-water heart stroke in jerkbaits, popcorn machines, and also holding plastic-type material worms.


    Should you have never fished with regard to smallmouth within New york you will discover a few facts to consider.


    Bear in mind that New york smallmouth bass fishing is a touch totally different from the particular your largemouth bass knowledge. In case you are used to fishing largemouth mostly in bud furniture, you will find there?s smallmouth bass prefer to hideout the location where the good ole? ledges fall suddenly. The most popular baits are crawfish, minnow, leeches and hellgrammites. You will probably be successful employing what exactly is similar to a minnow as an example plastic material earthworms as well as flag jigs.


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    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    Largest Colorado quake since 1973 shakes homes

    (AP) ? The largest earthquake to strike Colorado in almost 40 years shook hundreds of people in the southern part of the state and in northern New Mexico, causing minor damage to a few homes.

    The magnitude 5.3 temblor was recorded at about 11:46 p.m. MDT Monday about nine miles southwest of Trinidad, Colo., according to the National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo. That area is near the New Mexico border is and about halfway between Denver and Albuquerque, N.M. The quake followed three smaller ones that hit the area earlier in the day.

    U.S. Geological Service geophysicist Shengzao Chen said the information center had received calls from more than 70 people in Trinidad and several dozen people in New Mexico who felt the shaking. More than 30 people in Colorado Springs, Colo., about 130 miles north of Trinidad, also reported feeling the quake, he said.

    USGS geophysicist Jessica Sigala said Tuesday that Monday's earthquake damaged chimneys, cracked walls and knocked items off shelves, but there were no injuries.

    A few homes were damaged and there were rockslides on Colorado Highway 12 and Interstate 25, but both highways remained open, a Las Animas County Sheriff's Office dispatcher said Tuesday.

    The dispatcher, who would only give her first name as Kristina, said she was working when the biggest earthquake hit near midnight.

    "Everything was shaking, but we had no power loss," she said.

    She said authorities were still trying to assess the damage.

    "I thought maybe a car had hit my house," said 70-year-old Trinidad resident Nadine Baca. "Then I called to my son and he said it was the third (quake) today."

    Cathy Gutierrez of Raton, N.M., about 20 miles south of Trinidad, told The Associated Press Tuesday that she felt two earthquakes, one around 5:30 p.m. Monday and the big earthquake just before midnight.

    "My bed shook with all my pictures. It just went back and forth. I thought someone hit my house. I ran outside. We've had some before (earthquakes), but never this strong," Gutierrez said.

    It was a crazy feeling and something rare for Raton, she said. "It was a very scary feeling."

    The quake at 11:46 p.m. Monday was the largest in Colorado since a magnitude 5.7 was recorded in 1973, said USGS geophysicist Amy Vaughn. That one was centered in the northwestern part of the state ? about 50 miles north of Grand Junction, she said.

    Sigala said there were several minor earthquakes that preceded the bigger one, including a magnitude 2.9 earthquake recorded about 8 a.m. Monday. A 4.6 quake was felt in the same area at 5:30 p.m., and a magnitude 3.0 quake was recorded about 9 p.m. There have been four aftershocks.

    Sigala said the area occasionally has swarms of earthquakes, some lasting days or weeks, but Monday's temblor was unusual.

    "A 5.3 is big for Colorado," she said.

    The last time the area received such a series of earthquakes was in August and September 2001, when about a dozen smaller-sized temblors were recorded, Sigala said.

    She said some people blamed that swarm on oil drilling in the area, but she said later studies proved those fears unfounded.


    Associated Press writer Mark Carlson contributed to this report from Phoenix.

    Associated Press


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    You Can Fix your Relationship with Commitment and Free Marriage ...

    Creating a marriage relationship is probably the most tough work you will do in your entire life. There isn?t any perfect model to follow along with, simply because all couples are not the same, and also the work does not come with a guidebook. Furthermore, there is a reason that traditional wedding vows ask you to state that you take your spouse for better and for worse. Every relationship is going to have high points along with some rocky places that take a little more effort to get through. At times such as these, it is really great to know where you can find some free marriage advice from to help you get around the storm.

    It appears like people get separated so easily these days. One time I heard a high school student statement, ?When I get married for the first time?? How casually we?ve learned to dispose our relationships without providing them with a chance to grow as well as flourish. We are all in it for the ?better? part, however when the ?worst? happens, we prefer to decamp. We?re always hoping for something better thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. With no permanent dedication to relationships, you?re not going to develop anything you are happy with.

    There is nothing realistic about thinking that a married relationship will be a neverending honeymoon. If both spouse expects that, the union is doomed to fail. However, most marriages can be saved with the proper help. I am not talking about a marriage counselor right here. What I?m saying is that there is free marriage advice offered by someone who has already been through it and done that.

    Right now you?re probably saying that it will never work, since you know your spouse isn?t going to go for any kind of help. However, it doesn?t always take two to straighten out a troubled marriage. Usually only one spouse can make things around for the better. It just takes the right individual to help you understand what you need to do and for you to be really committed on saving your relationship. Give it a chance, and you?ll find that getting some %can change your own life and resurrect the relationship you assumed was gone forever.Doc No.sdlkh-sdAE

    Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology. Check out her websites on Emotional affair and Saving a marriage after an affair


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    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

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    iVegas Gaming Ltd. Plans to Become the Premiere Online ...

    ivegas gamingBased out of Malta, iVegas Gaming?s Chairman and President Adriano Cefai has announced with great enthusiasm the companies plans to become the premiere online entertainment network? by focusing on bringing online gambling and online shopping together as one large web based entertainment resort. Live streaming, Vegas style malls and 24/7 live shows and events through partnerships with the worlds most recognized and influential promoters. If this comes to fruition, iVegas gaming could become the biggest entity in the online gambling industry!

    Cefai confirmed that the company is focusing its efforts on Europe, Asia and South American and will be using the last half of 2011 to search for online markets in these countries where a huge increase in online gambling has been growing. Online gambling grew by 12% in 2010 and by 2012, they believe the revenues from the gambling industry online will rise to 13% with a total of $36 billion in total. Millions of gamblers visit online gaming sites? daily and their vision is to offer the entire Vegas style package all through their virtual sites. Gamblers who visit Vegas love to shop, gamble and watch live events and this is what we want to offer our gamblers, the entire package without leaving your home.

    IVegas Gaming Ltd. is based out of Malta and has one of the best marketing teams in the industry. They house some of the best developers and managers with connections around the world, which will provide them with all the essentials needed to build this virtual? playground for online gamblers. Visitors will be able to enjoy a virtual Vegas with all the great services found at some of the? biggest land based casinos in the world. Shopping services, conventions, live music and entertainment venues as well as a real time environment.

    By Patricia C. Senior Editor


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    Monday, August 22, 2011

    NKorea leader in Russia, will meet with Medvedev (AP)

    MOSCOW ? North Korean leader Kim Jong Il arrived in Russia's Far East on Saturday and will meet with President Dmitry Medvedev during a visit expected to last a week, the Kremlin said. It is Kim's first trip to the country in nine years and a further sign of Pyongyang's increasing efforts to reach out for economic assistance and diplomatic support.

    North Korea's state news agency did not specify when a meeting with Medvedev would take place, but said that Kim's visit was at the invitation of the Russian president.

    North Korea is increasing efforts to secure aid and restart stalled nuclear disarmament negotiations. Last month, a senior North Korean diplomat visited New York to discuss ways to resume six-nation talks last held in December 2008. Earlier, the nuclear envoys of the Koreas met in Indonesia for talks.

    Russia and North Korea both announced Friday that Moscow was providing food assistance to Pyongyang. And North Korea said earlier this week that Medvedev sent a letter calling for greater energy cooperation among Russia and the two Koreas, saying it would enhance regional security. That came after Russia's foreign minister said Moscow was in talks with Pyongyang and Seoul separately on putting gas pipes through the Korean peninsula.

    "The key reasons for Kim's Russian visit are to discuss receiving food aid and improving economic cooperation between the two" countries, said Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul.

    The 69-year-old North Korean leader also traveled to China in May this year in a trip seen by many as an attempt to secure aid, investment and support for a transfer of power to his youngest son. It was Kim's third visit to his country's closest ally in just over a year.

    Yang said that Kim is now seeking Russia's support.

    "The North, by visiting Russia, wants to secure Russia's support on Kim Jong Un's succession as well as during the future six-party talks," Kim said, referring to Kim's third son, who is seen as his father's eventual successor.

    The North has antagonized many through its pursuit of nuclear weapons and pulled out of the six-nation talks more than two years ago. The forum groups the two Koreas, the United States, Russia, Japan and China.

    South Korean officials said earlier that Kim's train had arrived in the Russian border city of Khasan, but the first confirmation that Kim was in Russia came in statements issued later by the Kremlin and North Korea's official news agency.

    Kim will visit the Far East region of Russia and travel west to Siberia, the Kremlin and North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency said.

    KCNA said in an English dispatch that "top leaders" of the two countries would meet. There were no details from KCNA on how long Kim's trip would last or when a meeting would take place.

    South Korea's Yonhap News agency reported Kim may meet with Medvedev and possibly Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, quoting a source it did not identify. A South Korean Foreign Ministry official in Moscow refused to comment on the possible meeting because it was a bilateral issue between Russia and North Korea.

    Kim last visited Russia in 2002, a four-day trip limited to the Far East. A year earlier, however, he made a 24-day train trek across the country.

    Russia and North Korea maintain cordial ties, though they are not as close as they were in Soviet times, when Moscow provided significant aid and support to Pyongyang. Moscow is a member of the six-party forum aimed at persuading North Korea to abandon its nuclear programs in exchange for aid and security guarantees.

    Russia's Foreign Ministry announced Friday that the country has decided to provide North Korea with 50,000 metric tons of grain as humanitarian assistance and that the first shipment arrived that day. KCNA also reported the provision in a dispatch late Friday from Pyongyang.

    North Korea regularly suffers food shortages. The country has said recent heavy rains are likely to harm this year's harvest because of extensive damage to farmland as a result of flooding.


    Kim reported from Seoul, South Korea. Associated Press writer Jiyoung Won in Seoul contributed to this report.


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    Cancer stem cells made, not born

    Friday, August 19, 2011

    In cancer, tumors aren't uniform: they are more like complex societies, each with a unique balance of cancer cell types playing different roles. Understanding this "social structure" of tumors is critical for treatment decisions in the clinic because different cell types may be sensitive to different drugs. A common theory is that tumors are a hierarchical society, in which all cancer cells descend from special self-renewing cancer stem cells. This view predicts that killing the cancer stem cells might suffice to wipe out a cancer.

    New findings by scientists at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and Whitehead Institute, however, point to a much more decentralized society, with cancer cells able to interconvert between different types. These results have potential implications for the treatment of tumors, in particular, that attacking cancer stem cells alone may not be enough to fight cancer.

    The research, which appears in the August 19 issue of Cell, was led by Broad director and senior author Eric Lander and first author Piyush Gupta, a Whitehead Institute member and assistant professor of biology at MIT who conducted this work as a postdoctoral researcher in Lander's lab. The research combines experimental evidence and mathematical modeling to show how cancers maintain their unique cellular balance.

    The common view is that tumors have cancer stem cells that behave like stem cells in normal development ? at the top of a hierarchy of cell types, giving rise to both more cancer stem cells and daughter cells of other types. "The notion is that the only way stem cells occur is by self-renewal. Our work says that analogy may be wrong," said Lander.

    The new work suggests an alternative possibility: that cancer cells are not fixed at all, but that, at any given point in time, they exist in one of several phenotypic "states" and those states can interconvert. In comparison to the traditional one-way hierarchy of cancer stem cells, in this new alternate model, more differentiated non-stem cells can revert to being stem-like cells. "That's not a hierarchical society at all," Lander said. "Cells aren't born into a medieval guild; they can change jobs."

    Working with cancer cell lines cultured in the laboratory, scientists had observed that just as solid cancers tend towards certain proportions of cell states, cell lines in vitro also settled into a balance, or equilibrium. "We wanted to understand how cancer cells stably maintain characteristic proportions of these different states for extended periods of time," said Gupta. A better understanding of the mechanisms controlling that equilibrium could give a clearer picture of the nature of cancer at a cellular level.

    To characterize how cancer maintains cellular equilibrium, the researchers studied two different breast cancer cell lines and examined three different cell states that were similar to normal breast epithelial cell types, known as basal, luminal, and stem-like.

    The team sorted the different cell types from each other and then grew their relatively pure populations for six days. Remarkably, each of the three populations quickly returned to the same equilibrium ? and populations of non-stem cells generated new stem-like cells. "Even when you sort relatively pure populations, you quickly get back the same balance," said Lander.

    The return to equilibrium proportions happens so rapidly that it cannot be due to different growth rates of the different cell types, but must instead be due to cells changing their state.

    The authors showed that the process can be modeled ? and accurately predicted ? using a mathematical tool called a Markov model, in which cells change their states independently of one another. Although the process is completely decentralized, it quickly returns to the same equilibrium.

    Surprisingly, the model predicted that non-stem cells can convert into stem-like cells. The team then showed experimentally that stem-like cells indeed arise quickly in the sorted subpopulations. In contrast with the traditional one-way view of cancer stem cells, the findings provide strong evidence for the alternate view of cancer cells and cancer stem cells as flexible entities that can change state.

    The model also provides a quantitative framework to help predict the effects of genetic perturbations, potential therapeutic interventions, or other external pressures on populations of cancer cells.

    The researchers now have to test whether tumor cells growing in patients show those same properties, as well as to understand the cellular mechanisms by which cells can change their states.


    Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard:

    Thanks to Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard for this article.

    This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

    This press release has been viewed 36 time(s).


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    Sunday, August 21, 2011

    Family Budgeting ? The 3 Key Secrets to Success | Online Finance ...

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    17 Web Resources for Improving Your Design Skills (Mashable)

    Mollie Vandor is the Associate Product Manager at Prior to that, she helped launch, where she served as the Product Manager, amongst many other roles. You can reach her @mollierosev, on her blog, or on her latest addiction - Words With Friends, where she plays under the username "Mollierosev." While summer vacation winds to a close and students prepare to go back to school, the days of brand new backpacks and crisp notebooks are long gone for many adults. Although classrooms, teachers and tuition might be off the table, it doesn?t mean education needs to be.

    [More from Mashable: Find a Job in Social Media, Communications or Design]

    In fact, the Internet itself provides a wealth of educational opportunities. Furthermore, long summer days and relatively relaxed offices might provide the perfect setting for web education. Just think, while other people are rounding out their summer tans, you could be ringing in autumn with a whole new skill set -- in this case, web design expertise. Tans fade. Beefier resumes keep shining.

    Here's a look at some of the best web resources for web design education.

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    Design 101 is all about the basics: master the lingo, learn the software and familiarize yourself with the driving principles that govern good design. To that end, your first stop should be a survey course of sorts. Try the Psdtuts+ self-study curriculum, where you can soak up the basics of shape, spacing, rhythm, typography, color, texture and more. To reinforce those basic skills, check out the Albany Library Design Tutorial, a sort of interactive ?design for dummies.? While the tutorial is a bit old school, technologically speaking, design-wise, it effectively covers the basics.

    You may also want to learn a little bit about the grid system while you?re at it. The system is exactly what it sounds like: a grid or set of guides on which the elements of a web page are built. Working with the grid can help in mastering the art of clean, cohesive web design. And speaking of cohesiveness, you may also want to review Web Pages That Suck for examples of how not to utilize your newly minted design skills.

    Once you?ve tackled design theory, get practical with Adobe Design Center. It has all the tools you need to turn that theory into design reality. If you?re more of a visual learner, investigate this collection of helpful YouTube Photoshop tutorials.

    Upper Division

    You?ve mastered the basics, which means you?re ready for some fresh challenges and inspiration. For example, participate in The Daily Design Challenge by pledging to take on one design-related task per day for a full year. Whether you design a new font, doodle a small graphic or create a new logo for a beloved brand, set aside a few minutes every day to keep your skills sharp and your creative juices flowing.

    If you?re really looking for a challenge, Layer Tennis is the web?s most creative competition. Sponsored by Adobe Creative Suite, Layer Tennis pits two competitors against each other in a weekly match-up. Every fifteen minutes, participants swap a single design file ?back and forth in real-time, adding to and embellishing the work.? A writer provides play-by-play commentary while an active community of design aficionados looks on, providing a great forum to witness inspirational creative design in action.

    Next, use that creative inspiration to fuel some serious studying. MIT offers free online coursework in comparative media, in which you learn about the design principles of different mediums. Similarly, iTunes offers podcast lectures about aesthetics and the philosophy of art. Vimeo?s Smarthistory videos discuss everything from Representations of David and the Florentine Renaissance to Duchamp and the Ready-Made, because there?s nothing like a little art history to help you create design history of your own.

    Ongoing Education

    Once you?ve gained a comprehensive understanding of the basics, a background of art history and a fresh set of advanced skills, ongoing education can provide you with the tools necessary to showcase your talent, not to mention the additional innovation to advance your craft.

    According to Smashing Magazine, ?The r?sum? is the first portfolio piece that potential employers see, and if they?re not impressed, chances are they won?t look at the rest of your portfolio.? Smashing offers a great tutorial to ensure that your r?sum? showcases your design skills. While you?re at it, make sure your portfolio illustrates the best of your aesthetic abilities.

    Nothing inspires your future work quite like taking in current innovative design. To that end, check out the creative collection at Designspiration. Tumblr is also a great resource for finding fantastic designers, and Quora?s active community of graphic designers engages in dynamic conversation about the industry. Finally, Twitter has a plethora of design people worth following.

    Whether you?re looking to get a grip on design basics, or you want to sharpen your advanced skills, web resources can help you construct the perfect creative (and flexible) curriculum. And with the right smartphone or tablet, you can even study while soaking up the last of the summer sun. Now that?s what we'd call an advanced placement course!

    Image courtesy of iStockphoto, enviromantic

    This story originally published on Mashable here.


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    Saturday, August 20, 2011

    5 Joy And Common Options For A Family Christmas ... - Antiques Spot

    Posted by admin on August 19th, 2011

    This holidays can be a time for sharing with the fam and friends. Something you can do that is representative of this spirit is to discover gifts which the entire family can take advantage of. This is a good idea for your family that is wanting to spend less on gifts but nevertheless want the family to enjoy a gift that they be all interested in. Listed below are some interesting suggestions you can determine that that you are considering giving an enormous family Christmas present in 2010. Hopefully these ideas offers you some inspiration in making your own private unique choices.

    A terrific group holiday present will be a table game. This might be something that you could put in a spare room or rec room and it will provide endless entertainment for the family. You are able to go several routes and it depends on what your loved ones would rather play. For your family that likes getting referrals which involve calculation and concentration, when buying a pool table has to be smart idea. A small problem is that often exactly the teens and adults would really be thankful. For some thing accessible you possibly can select a foosball table or air hockey table. They are great options because the rules are really easy to learn, kit is affordable, and quite a few people within your family is able to play.

    You would possibly decide to get something that is certainly a proper step up from the house like hot spa. This is the great way to your family to warm using a cool evening or maybe relax after having a long day. Of course this can only work with families which have the area to install it for their homes. There is also the charge to bear in mind. Chance . budget to do it though, it might be well worth the cost.

    If your loved ones are several grouped movie buffs then acquiring a good quality projector and entertainment system can be the way to go. That is my favorite idea because I know that for my children it's just like we have our very own personal movie theater. All you should do is build your snacks, rent and also this camera movies, and settle back and enjoy the show. You may have an inaugural movie event with all your favorite holiday movies on Christmas day

    You ought to get something pending the warmer weather. This would be likely a present that everyone may have fun on and acquire some outdoor exercise. You will find items which what you need though the the one which I'm sure the entire family will get behind is usually a large sized trampoline. It will offer the kids something fun to complete bouncing and practicing flips. The only problem is safety. Your sweetheart will most likely be the main one to call to mind this. For those times you attempt to understand being a family present make certain that so many people are alert to the best way to safely use it and also have proper supervision.

    Another interesting present reflects the broadening segment of persons playing video games. You can get a nintendo ds lite much like the Wii. It's true that initially it may sound just like a recipe for civil war between your children however, the Wii nintendo ds is but one console that produces its fun for your loved ones to try out together. There are numerous multiplayer games that a family can begin to play. Needless to say if you need to get a system that more than anyone can engage in on, you will need to buy accessories for instance extra Wii remote controllers. An exercise games like The nentendo wifit for you and wife.

    A gift you can apply to your kids this Christmas is good for these to receive special letter from Santa directly from its northern border Pole. To be certain that young kids aren't suspicious, try the letter from a web vendor. This is certainly great because you can have the letter personalized.

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    Casey Anthony's car crushed for scrap

    The white Pontiac Sunfire that Florida prosecutors used as evidence in the case against Casey Anthony has been destroyed.

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    WOFL-TV in Orlando reports that George Anthony took his daughter's car to a junk yard and turned the title over Thursday. The vehicle was crushed for scrap metal.

    Prosecutors claimed there was evidence of human decomposition found in the trunk of the car. Attorneys for Casey Anthony disputed that claim.

    Casey Anthony was acquitted last month of murder in the 2008 death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in a case that drew nationwide outrage. She was released from jail soon after.

    The vehicle was mentioned in a call to police by Casey's mother Cindy Anthony, who reported that it smelled like a dead body had been in it.

    Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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