Tuesday, April 17, 2012

House of Woyaks: Motherhood is a Vocation #CleverHaiti #spon

This Mother's Day, I'm working with Clever Girls in support of Macy's Heart of Haiti to shine a light on the "trade, not aid" program, which provides sustainable income to Haitian artisans struggling to rebuild their lives and support their families after the 2010 earthquake.

What do you picture when your hear about motherhood? Stay at home moms? Working moms? What do you think about this role in the family?

When I was younger, I never thought I would be a mom. Seriously. I grew up with 5 brothers - and I am the oldest. I know... But, no. Just because I had brothers didn't mean no one got into my makeup. Ha! Ok, that is another story (for, say...an engagement party? lol). I looked at what my mom dealt with day after day and was all like, "Um, no thanks."

Well, now, here I am with two kids who I would not trade for anything. I would do everything for them. If they wanted the moon and a star each, I would find a way to get it to them - no matter what! I look back and realize that motherhood is a vocation. It is what you have been called to do. My mother knew from when she was little that she always wanted to be a mother. I remember mom telling me that she wanted 12 kids. Well, she got to 6. I would say that is a "job" well done!

?My big family!

She was always there for any of us for anything. It didn't matter to her if she had to go to 4 schools to drop off things that were left behind that were so-called "important" to us. It seemed to me that whatever we thought was important to us, it was always important to here. Oh, she definitely had her days (as do all moms) where she nearly pulled out her hair because we "just wouldn't stop" or whatever. Even though, at the time, that is what I remembered - slowly that all seemed to fade away as I grew older. She did everything for us and I think that the 2 out of the 6 that have moved out have taken that for granted. My oldest younger brother (did that confuse you? lol He's 22...and still learning) and I had some crazy obsessions (he loved Pokemon and I was into Sailor Moon - omg the embarrassment that I am admitting that to the world), but mom used that to help us reach certain goals in school. "You make good grades this quarter, we will go to the card shop." Can you even picture the hanging of my head right now as I am remember how I jumped for joy when I got to open my brand new pack of foiled Sailor Moon cards WHILE I watched the show!? Oh, goodness...

Looking back on those years, I wish I had been a little nicer to Mom. She had 6 of us to take care of and she did an amazing job, especially on the days where the door to my bedroom slammed to the point of shaking the house. I think that is the day Dad decided the door wouldn't be an issue anymore...he took my door! Took it OFF THE HINGES and put it in the garage. That still annoys me... But, now we just all laugh at it and wonder if one or both of my boys will do that - or is it just a girl thing?

Anyway, Mom, I thank you so much for "putting up" with me. I thank you for becoming one of my best friends today. And, I thank you for showing me how to be the best mom I can be no matter how hard the day turns out. I love you mom!!

Mom and I

Thank you to Macy's Heart of Haiti for sponsoring my participation in this ?Share Your Heart" promotion. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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