Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Health Care System

Major ?hang?s ?n society c?n com? ab?ut through v?rious means. This includes ?hanges ?n su?h institutions ?s th? Health Care Industry.

Although most ?h?nges ?n th? health care system ar? promoted fr?m within, th?t does not necessarily hav? to be the case. In fact th?r? are major advantages to new health care system concepts b??ng developed from outs?d? th? medical industry. The proposed national medical information system be?ng discussed ?n thes? articles w?s designed b? an individual completely ?ut??d? the medical professional. This ?r?v?d?? mor? freedom of design, ????c?ally ?f ?ou prefer to favor th? public?s interests ?v?r the interests ?f th? medical profession. without the influence of medical industry in th? background influencing th? design the public?s be?t interest m?y well b? more easily served, ending u? with ? m?re balanced system. We m?y find th?s to b? esp??iall? true where new applications us?ng the latest ?n technology are involved.

For example, ?gain t?k? the proposed disease prevention system. Because ?f th? sharp reduction in the level of chronic disease, ?u?h ? system w?uld h?v? ? dramatic short term financial effect u?on the medical industry. Conservative estimates ar? 40% deduction ?n disease levels w?th?n the fir?t few years ?f operation and a high as 70%, or m?r? eventually.

Although th?re ?re advantages t? ?uch designs by individuals, there ar? ?ls? limitations. An individual would lik?l? b? unable t? sustain the continual promotion such a system ?v?r ? substantial period ?f time?providing a far shorter window of opportunity to establish the system befor? ?t likely fades from the picture.

This w?uld b? ?sp??i?lly true ?f the design ?f th? system w?s presented in th? form of a published book n?t av??labl? in book stores. As ? result the book, the author ?nd designer could be forced from th? picture ?n ? r?lat?vel? short period of time ?f th?r? w?s ? lack of public interest ?nd support. If this were to happen, th?s type ?f system m?? n?t again b? brought forth for decades ?f ever.

Although we ?re constantly bombarded, with all th? medical research breakthrough media hype, including all th? promises ?f th? future th?t n?ver s?em t? arrive, ?ne thing w? hav? t? k??? cl?arly in mind is th?t w? rarely ?ver hear about th? extremely high levels of chronic disease in the United States ?nd the enormous amount ?f suffering ?t c?u?es with millions ?f people. Nor do?s th? hype include the additional suffering th?t als? goes on b?c?use of the enormous health care costs. These costs th?t are having a devastating effect on th? country, including th? government, businesses and individuals. We ?r? abl? to witness th?? suffering on ? personal basis thr?ugh our loved ones, friends ?nd neighbors. The question is, ar? w? w?lling t? live w?th that? Is that level of disease acceptable?

There is ?n?th?r consideration involved here. Whenever we receive anyth?ng of valu? u?u?ll? ther? i? ? financial cost w? have t? consider?cost verses benefit. With thi? system, however, th?t to? is als? v?ry unusual. Here th?re are amazing benefits ?n b?th directions, b?th ?n health care ?nd costs.

Ironically on top ?f that, with even ? limited amount ?f interest, ?t ?an easily be determined th?t the proposed system doe? have ? v?r? solid basis for success and in fact it would b? difficult t? see h?w it could be unsuccessful due to the core underlying basis ?f the design.

As discussed earlier ?n theses articles and ?n th? book, the underlying basis ?f the proposed system ?? th? us? of a carefully designed computer processing system taking full advantage ?f th? ver? latest in clinical laboratory science technology. This data would b? processed thr?ugh th? use of th? latest computer technology (including large supercomputer systems) in correlating massive amounts of proven reliable clinical laboratory data t? human health ?nd th? individual human environment.


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