Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Consultant Urges Entrepreneurs To Put Their Businesses on an ...

Posted by admin on September 19th, 2011 at 12:12am


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Consultant Urges Entrepreneurs To Put Their Businesses on an Internet Marketing Diet

Toronto, ON (PRWEB) April 3, 2006

Oprah has the nation on a Debt Diet. Podcasting and Internet marketing consultant, Leesa Barnes, is putting small business owners and entrepreneurs on an Internet Marketing Diet. This 6-week telecourse held weekly on Thursdays beginning on May 18th and ending on June 22nd is designed to help small business owners and entrepreneurs curb the online bulge so they can increase sales and pull clients to them.

?I meet a lot of consultants, coaches, speakers and entrepreneurs who tell me that they?re struggling to understand how to promote their businesses online,? says Barnes. ?Because of the number of Internet tools that are out there, for example, podcasting, blogging, article marketing, online networking, affiliate marketing, RSS feeds, autoresponders, e-commerce, ezines and webinars, it?s no wonder why small business owners and entrepreneurs are so confused.?

The media would have you believe that people are comfortable using the Internet. High trafficked websites MySpace.com and Flickr.com were recently sold for millions of dollars. Web 2.0 is a buzzword that has gotten people excited about the Internet again, while a recent article in Newsweek says that the Internet is now being shaped by the very people who are using it.

However, according to a survey conducted by online business coach Milana Leshinsky, 47% of coaches and consultants are overwhelmed about using the Internet to build their businesses online. It would appear that while people like using the Internet for social reasons, small business owners and entrepreneurs are still mystified how to generate cash online without going broke.

?When I first went online in 1994, Yahoo was king and there were only a few dozen websites that existed,? says Barnes. ?It was easy to market a business online back then because there wasn?t alot of clutter.?

Now, search engines employ algorithms to rank new and existing webpages. These algorithms are tweaked from time to time which means that search engine experts are constantly playing catch-up to keep pace with these changes. Because of this, Barnes believes that the way to beat search engines at their own game is to use Internet tools in a smarter way.

?The secret to increasing your rankings in search engines isn?t to hire a search engine optimization expert,? says Barnes. ?Instead, all you need to do is to learn how to use a small selection of Internet marketing tools more effectively.?

In the Internet Marketing Diet telecourse, the first step is to detox your current eMarketing campaign, in other words, to list the things that haven?t been working. Next, participants take an assessment that matches their strengths to a specific ?meal plan.? This meal plan includes a mix of ?ingredients? – or Internet tools – that the person should use in their online marketing campaign. This means that instead of overstuffing their internet marketing campaign with all the ingredients out there, you curb the bulge by incorporating 2 or 3 tools into your online strategy. Lastly, a ?healthy meal plan? is developed to help you measure your results over the next 6-months. A mastermind group is offered at no-charge to help you stay the course and not fall off the wagon.

Barnes practices what she preaches. If you enter her first and last name into google.com, 97% of the first 20 pages are about her business and products. By curbing her own online bulge to only 4 Internet tools, she has seen an increase in online sales without having to spend any money on search engine marketing tactics.

Barnes is holding a series of preview calls to describe the Internet Marketing Diet system in more detail. To sign up for these preview calls, visit http://www.internetmarketingdiet.com.


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Tags: Affiliate Marketing, Article Marketing, AutoResponders, Bulge, Business Coach, Businesses, Buzzword, Consultant, Debt Diet, Diet, Entrepreneurs, Ezines, Internet, Internet Marketing Consultant, Internet Tools, Leesa, Marketing, Newsweek, Oprah, Podcasting, Prweb, Recent Article, Small Business Owners, Telecourse, Their, Thursdays, Urges, Xmlns

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Source: http://autobloginformation.com/consultant-urges-entrepreneurs-to-put-their-businesses-on-an-internet-marketing-diet/

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