Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Birth Control and Health Over 40, Health Risks of Pregnancy

Monday, July 11th, 2011 at 10:04 pm ?

Andrea Lowe from Better.TV your online source for home, family, life, talks about?health risks of pregnancy over 40 with Dr. Mark Levie, the Director of OBGYN and women?s health in Montefiore Medical Center.

More than half of the pregnancies in women over 40 are unintended and a results of birth control failure. Dr. Mark Levie is here to tell us how to control those oops pregnancies and debunk a few missed surrounding birth control options.

Now there is a lot? there is an increase in women over 40 having babies but they are unplanned, pregnancies too can you explain why?? As people get more comfortable in relationships and they feel like they can?t get pregnant maybe their periods become a little irregular and they say maybe I can?t get pregnant and they get a little more lax in their use of birth control and then? Surprise, surprise.

There are quite a few myths out there about pregnancies as well as being over 40 and getting pregnant.

The first myth is that tubal ligation is the only option for women who really want permanent birth control.

According to Dr. Mark Levie, that really is a myth. There are other options available of course everybody knows about vasectomy as an option but for women over 40 there is another permanent sterilization option which is the Essure Procedure and that?s a procedure which can be done in the office. It doesn?t require any anesthesia at all.

How long does it take?

It usually takes less than 15 minutes to do the procedure itself. It is very quick. Dr. Mark Levie says that he actually has woman comes into the office and there are some small little micro inserts that get placed into the fallopian tubes

It looks like the spirals coming out of a pen, an ink pen and we place that inside of the Fallopian tubes and then the body responds to these little coils and the tubes get blocked up and it prevents a woman from getting pregnant.

Studies that have been done with classic clinical trial where over 700 women had this procedure performed. There have been zero pregnancies so it is very effective.

Another myth is that birth control is 100% effective? Dr. Mark Levie responds to this by saying that as you know nothing in life is 100% so no birth control pills do get forgotten. You know people forget putting the diaphragms and nothing is perfect in life. He thinks this procedure is almost as perfect as you get. It is 99.8% effective by FDA 5-year trial.

Women have been wearing these devices for long periods of time. There have been over 170,000 of this procedure being done across the nation and women are very, very satisfied with this procedure.

Another myth is about is breast feeding. A lot of women think that breast feeding their baby will prevent them from getting pregnant, is that true or not? Dr. Mark Levie says that it is not 100% sure. While breastfeeding may decrease fertility as long as you are breastfeeding on demands ones the breastfeeding gets more spread out a woman can ovulate even while she is breastfeeding and can become pregnant.

A lot of women let?s say they pass the 40-year mark, they have never had children before. They say you know what if I haven?t had kids by now I probably won?t get pregnant or the chances are slim, but that is a huge myth.

The answer to that is so pregnancy can happen to anybody and as long as the woman is having her menstrual cycle she can get pregnant. So you always have to be careful and it is best to plan your pregnancies and if you know you are completed family, and you don?t desire to have anymore kids then there are lots of different options. But permanent contraception is definitely one of them.

Check out the full video below and see Dr. Mark Levie debunk birth control and health over 40 myths for you.

Filed under: Woman After 40

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Source: http://www.fortyfitandfabulous.com/health-over-40.html

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