Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ethnography focused on communication practices in the field of biology

I conducted a survey conducted revealed the types of communication strategies and practices of research in the teaching of biological sciences. The teaching of science can be very different from teaching other core subjects such as history, English and mathematics. Science requires more work and hands-on demonstration to fully grasp the material offered. Biology, the study of living organisms, using different communication practices to help their audience Understand Issues. The field works best in a test environment, the provision of information on teaching and laboratory manuals, visual aids, conducting group activities, and other practices of successful communication. What follows is a detailed list of strategies used in biology. All of these practices affect his audience in many ways.


When I held the biology of a year ago, the material in a test environment with the use of any> Biology textbooks and laboratory manuals. As a student you were committed, protective glasses, have rubber gloves, lab books to record the results and to dress appropriately in order to participate in the field. The workshop I attended was very spacious. My classmates and I conducted experiments on workstations high that a lot of space, had to operate on. Much of the work was done, so that was the height of the tables easily. The jobs are arranged in rows, instead ofscattered in space, but each assembly line of about four students on each side. The appearance of the structure tells students and other members of the public that the field requires a practical and experimental work in order to transmit information. The field to sit there and listen contrast relies heavily on participation.

Communication in the classroom

Classroom and laboratory: My biology class was separated into two parts. The camp is very focused on the laboratory, but alsoare the key points in the lessons so that students have a better understanding before performing experiments.

"Students learn best when they are actively involved and whether their activities are closely related to the understanding of important biological concepts" (Doherty, 2009). The information is presented through lectures and PowerPoint presentations, and then the audience included, presented in a test environment. The demonstrations are performed, followed by student interactions. Inmy class, they gave us a list of targets, and showed what to do from the teacher. After the demonstration and instruction, we then conducted experiments referred to us with the knowledge we have acquired in class to support the conference. Fetal pig dissection experiments ranged from the study plant cells.

An important method of communication on the field is always the teacher to ask questions. I found this very often in my biology class because myClassmates and I were always waiting for another question. "Questions reveal misconceptions and misunderstandings that need to move forward to be the thinking of students. Questions challenge students to think" what were to insights and discoveries from them "(Allen, 2002). Together with lectures and experiments also assigned to documents. The premise of this paper is to understand some of the methods of scientific research and, as to what relates learned in the classroom.

MyClass, biology class was large with about 400-100 students. When we left the lab, the size is reduced considerably. There were about fourteen or fifteen students in my lab class with a mix of gender and race. I had an interview on Stacey Moore, a family friend who was a biology teacher surveys for 16 years in Virginia Beach, VA. "When I wanted to lectures, class discussion, I create more rather than writing notes and move on.I wanted my students to remember to keep all information so that you do not feel lost when it came to the lab to participate, "said Moore." I've always thought, to ask questions in order to keep their attention. And sometimes do, what to ask back to me would never, if I do not think about the question in the first place. "According to Moore, they encouraged strong notes when you study in the field, and use visual aids whenever possible. You need to knowDescription and the appearance of a party animal before experimenting on them.

Research practices

I studied the importance of genetics, a branch of biology dealing with the science of genes, and how research area, other people communicate and why.

"The communication in the field of genetics is a practice that involves writing research for publication, participation in scientific conferences and seminars, participation in audit committees and working with other geneticiststhrough informal communication "(A guide to the practice of communication in Genetics). In the field of biology, publishing scientific journals is the most important way to capture and share research results with other scientists." Magazines are the primary way for geneticists to publish their research findings and get credit for their discoveries "(A guide to the practice of communication in Genetics). The main target group of the practitioner, then the other professionals in search of the topic or study. Ipublish their research results with others to compare.

Practitioners rely heavily on scientific research and carried out physically in a lab. Types of research in the field of stem cell research, heart function and dysfunction, embryonic development, the evolution of animals, and various other forms. Most of her research is funded by research grants or scholarships for students. A pair of bases that are related biological research, the Wadsworth Foundation,Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. The proposals have promoted a significant role among physicians due to the strong demand for scientific means.

The reflection on the results

The science of biology uses many different communication practices and research to help inform his audience of students, related professionals and the public itself.

If the search, I found theArea works best in an environment of open lab. When I took biology, I knew it would not be fully understood the information that I have not participated in a laboratory. That made it easier to understand and practice what presented in class. If it took the other students, the biology is, teaching the same in a similar environment have performed. This type of structure, together with the use of textbooks and other objects of the laboratory, it stands as a very thorough approach to understanding theField.

The camp has various types of communication methods offered in the classroom. They ranged from the class of PowerPoint lessons for the conduct of laboratory experiments. I was not surprised to learn how to work best when students are actively engaged. In my biology class, I found myself more on the material when I was attracted to participate. According to Moore, he felt the approach of "hands-on" was better supported when you try to convey scientific information. In presenting lessons,PowerPoint presentations have been placed on the head of the class together and showed that a larger class. That made it easier than during class workshop, where various distractions may be present.

Professional conduct research approaches heavier amounts. Research in some ways is their number one priority, so that they may be able, some material to present their addressees. Some ways in which biological research communicated through journals, seminars and researchSuggestions. These are very accurate ways of providing information to the public and other professionals. "Although the experiments and new discoveries, important parts of the work of geneticists, their research is useless to society, if it is communicating with other people" (A guide to the practice of communication in Genetics). It is very important for biologists to capture and inform others about their findings. Research by other scientists can then be used to support further research that will lead to moresignificant results. Applications may be extremely important for the purposes of financing. "The research proposal review boards and funding agencies to be checked ? are important to decide which research projects important enough to be funded so that money is not wasted" (A guide to the practice of communications Genetics). It is therefore important that physicians develop compelling proposals for the funding they need.


The field of biology has manyCommunication strategies together in order to transmit information in the best possible way to their destination. The field work in a lab and really highlights the approach of "hands-on" for students learning the material. Research is of fundamental importance for the industry, and the communication that research to other scientists and society. The science of biology is important for our world is and how it presents the information is useful to its audience.


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